• Aretsa Vinansia Irene Sabila Universitas Tulungagung
  • Muhammad Rama Sanjaya Universitas Tulungagung
  • Frygyta Dwi Sulistyany Universitas Tulungagung
  • Seftyana Wahyu Murwani Universitas Tulungagung
  • Yayang Yulia Rosa Universitas Tulungagung
  • Retno Sari Dewi Universitas Tulungagung
Keywords: Dispute Resolution, Artificial Intelligence, Arbitration, Technology


This research aims to explain the progress of AI in the legal realm and outline the application of AI in alternative dispute resolution, primarily through arbitration. To gain a deeper understanding of the perspectives, challenges, and potential of using AI in arbitration, the researcher chose a research method that involved two approaches: literature study and qualitative content analysis. This research shows that AI positively impacts the legal domain, as seen from its contribution to supporting law enforcement in various countries, such as document processing, risk evaluation, information search, decision making, case management, and fraud prevention. Additionally, AI has been adopted in the arbitration context in recent times. Its use in international arbitration includes relevant document identification tools, text creation, editing, translation, interpretation, and transcription tools. Even though we are experiencing an era of digital transformation where AI is becoming an essential part of human life, court and arbitration decisions and law enforcement processes still have dimensions that cannot be measured or resolved solely with quantitative approaches to automation and computing. Qualitative approaches, humanities aspects, moral justice, and ethical values ​​are often unreachable by algorithms or cannot be described by computational analysis.


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How to Cite
Aretsa Vinansia Irene Sabila, Muhammad Rama Sanjaya, Frygyta Dwi Sulistyany, Seftyana Wahyu Murwani, Yayang Yulia Rosa, & Retno Sari Dewi. (2023). UTILIZATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION THROUGH THE ARBITRATION PROCESS. INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR, 5, 269-281. https://doi.org/10.36563/proceeding.v5i0.127

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